Rethink IT.
Complete Cloud is the most secure, private cloud solution on the market. And it changes companies pay, access, and support IT needs, for the better. When using Complete Cloud, our clients know exactly how much to budget for their monthly or annual IT. Gone are the days of paying too much through capital investment, maintenance, and purchasing current software and updates.

What makes
CompleteCloud so smart?
Predictability - Monthly per-user pricing with zero capital investment.
Scalability - Expanding or opening a new location is painless since you are only paying per-user.
Mobility - User can access their desktop securely from anywhere. Perfect solution with our optional work from home kits.
Productivity - Worry your staff is not productive while working from home. We can provide productivity reports.
Security - Since your critical data resides in secure data centers, a lost or stolen laptop will not compromise your sensitive information.
Compliance - Tired of spending time becoming HIPAA, DFARS, ITAR compliant. With the right security bundle, we can get you compliant without you breaking a sweat.
What is included?
Virtual Windows 10 Desktop
SQL and App Servers
Private Exchange Server
Unlimited Storage
Microsoft Licensing
24/7/365 USA Based Support
Backups & Disaster Recovery
Office Networking Hardware
Office Internet Bill Credits
Hardware Refresh